
Organizational Profile

Our programme includes early stimulation, vocational and academic education offered at rural and urban locations.


Pre-School Centre for the Deaf
Hope Estate, Papine, Kingston 6
Phone: (876) 977-1082    Pupils: Ages 0-6

St. Christopher’s School for the Deaf

Brown’s Town, St. Ann
Phone: (876) 975-2226    Pupils: Ages 3-12

May Pen Unit Class for the Deaf
Woodside District, Clarendon
Phone: (876) 786-0906    Pupils: Ages 6-18

Port Antonio Unit Class for the Deaf

School of Hope, Portland
Phone: (876) 993-7890    Pupils: Ages 6-18

Danny Williams School for the Deaf
Hope Estate, Papine, Kingston 6
Phone: (876) 927-1293    Pupils: Ages 6-12

Lister Mair/Gilby High School for the Deaf

Hope Estate, Papine, Kingston 6
Phone: (876) 927-1261    Pupils: Ages 12 -18

Ex-Ed Unit Class, Excelsior Primary School
5 Courtney Avenue, Kingston 3
Pupils: 5 – 12    An Integrated Unit

Academic Enrichment
-    -Lister Mair/Gilby Evening Institute
-    - Fast Track Project, 
-    Hope Estate, Kingston 6
Skills Training
-    - LMG/HEART Skills Training
-    - JAD Binders
Hope Estate, Kingston 6


Hearing Assessment – Special clinics, subsidized services and home based testing available

Dispensing of Hearing Aids, hearing protection and other hearing enhancement devices

Hearing Screening Programme in Schools – Offered in both urban and rural areas

Industrial Hearing Screening and Sound Pressure Level measurement

Aural rehabilitation counselling

Hearing Aid Repair


Family Services

Public Education for Deaf Awareness

Educational Placement of Deaf Children and Comprehensive training for parents

Parent counselling and guidance for family related issues, drug addiction and HIV/AIDS affected families

Empowerment for advocacy

Student sponsorship programme

Referrals and assistance in accessing other services

Interpreting Services

Interpreting Services for Court cases and Medical visits are available on request

Sign Language Training for parents, health and social support providers and corporate entities

Training of Interpreters

Advocacy and public sensitization

Adult Deaf Services

Small business loan financing for Deaf persons

Social support services

Empowerment programmes

Guidance and counselling

Job placement, assistance with job letters & résumés and welfare services

Employee, employer counselling for effective integration of hearing impaired persons in the workplace


1.    Fast Track: An academic enrichment programme for Deaf young adults to achieve college matriculation. (GDC/USAID)    Training Department 2006 – 2008

2.    Joint Project on Sexual & Reproductive Health (SRH): A project to empower Adolescents with Disabilities to make informed SRH choices and increase their access to and use of related health services. (EU/UNFPA/GOJ) Training Department and Social Services 2004 – 2008

3.    Hearing Awareness and Assessment Project 2:  A project for increasing hearing awareness and access to hearing screening for young children. (EFJ) Hearing Services 2007 – 9

4.    Secondary Enhancement Programme: Capacity Strengthening in literacy and science education. (MOEY)   Lister Mair/Gilby High School 2005 – 2008

5.    E-Learning Project:   A project focusing on the use of electronic technology to enhance learning. (MITEC/MOEY) Lister/Mair Gilby High School 2005 – 2010

6.    HEART Skills Training Project:  A Community Based Partnership to facilitate access to a range of skills training options towards NVQJ certification. (HEART/NTA) Lister Mair/Gilby High School 2005 – cont.

7.    Language and Literacy Development:  A multifaceted programme for capacity building for more effective development of language and literacy among Deaf children.  (NCB Foundation) A system-wide intervention 2007 - 2008

8.    Parent as Partner:  A programme to empower parents of children with a hearing loss for more effective parenting.(United Way/ PAHO) Social Services 2006 - 2008

9.     Learning Centre:  A project to improve facilities for literacy development among special needs hearing and deaf children. (EFJ) St. Christopher’s School 2006 - 2008

10.    JAD History: Documentation and publication of the history of the JAD over the past 70 years. (CHASE Fund) JAD Administration 2006 – 2008

11.    Institutional Strengthening: Capacity building of Hearing Services staff. (National Health Fund) Hearing Services 2007 - 2009

12.    Audio Visual Equipment:    For the establishment of IT Resource Rooms at 6 school sites. (Universal Access Fund) JAD Administration 2008 - 2009

13.     Hearing Awareness:    Sensitization of Mainstream Teachers about hearing loss among young children. (MOE) JAD Administration 2008