Our Philosophy

Fundamental to the approach of the Jamaica Association for the Deaf is the belief that:

  • Deaf persons have the potential to be creative and productive citizens.
  • Families of deaf children are important stakeholders in influencing their development.
  • Deaf persons have a vital role to play in determining and implementing change in the quality of life they experience individually and collectively.
  • A relationship of partnership with major stakeholders will yield the best results in our endeavours to improve the quality of life.


The approach of the JAD to the development of Deaf persons must be premised on the ultimate emergence of the Deaf community as an autonomous advocacy group.

  • Change is possible if we work purposefully to identify new goals, set new standards and achieve appropriate outputs and outcomes.
  • The culture of our organization is a major factor in shaping individual attitude and behaviour.
  • Technology can significantly reduce the handicapping effects of deafness.
  • Hearing is precious and must be protected.



A Jamaica in which Deaf persons are empowered to fully participate in nation building.


To effectively manage resources for education, hearing and social services and advocacy in collaboration with key partners for the advancement of deaf and hard of hearing persons. 


  1. Special Education and Vocational Training
  2. Social support services for Deaf persons and their families
  3. Hearing assessment, enhancement and conservation services
  4. Public Education and Community development